We are very grateful to all our regular donors who send us cheques throughout the year, arrange to pay by standing order, or make online donations.
Your help is invaluable to us and makes a real difference to the people whose lives we seek to transform.
Some of our work, such as feeding the homeless at the Drop In, relies entirely on charitable donations. Other projects need your help so that we can improve the support that we offer our service users.
For example, our move on accommodation for service users who have completed rehabilitation needs to be furnished and refurbished on an ongoing basis. We offer leisure activities and short holidays to complement our rehabilitation programmes. These are very important as they increase an understanding of the importance of regular, meaningful activities. However funding them relies on your generous support.
Sometimes groups of donors organise fundraising events for the benefit of THOMAS. These may be church groups, youth groups, sponsored activites. We are very happy to help in any way that we can and are very grateful for your help in this way.
If you would like to arrange a fundraising event please contact Jean Thompson, on 01254 660 861 or email jean.thompson@thomasonline.org.uk.
THOMAS is very grateful for the increasing numbers of charitable trusts and businesses which are helping us with donations, grants and gifts in kind.
We have also received generous grants and donations from local businesses including Herbert Parkinson, Lidl, Blackburn Rovers Football Club, Asda and Capita.
We are actively seeking to engage with any businesses or private individuals who might be keen to sponsor us.
Our charitable trust supporters include:
29th May 1961 Charitable Trust, Albert Hunt Trust, Allchurches Trust, Awards for All, Bain Charitable Trust, Beneficentia Stiftung, Bernard Sunley Charitable Foundation, Booth Charities, Bothwell Charitable Trust, Brian Mercer Charitable Foundation, Bryan Lancaster’s Charity, Casa Stella, Charles Hayward Foundation, Clothworkers Foundation, Coutts Charitable Trust, David Brooke Charity, Duchy of Lancaster Benevolent Fund, ED Charitable Trust, Elspeth J Thompson Charitable Trust, Empath UK, Fitton Trust, Gannett Foundation, Help the Homeless, Henry Smith Charity, John Booth Charitable Foundation, Lancaster Charitable Foundation, Lee and Bakirgian Family Trust, Leigh Trust, Manchester Guardian Society Charitable Trust, Maria Holland and St Joseph’s Charity Preston, Mary Strand Trust, Maurice and Hilda Laing Charitable Trust, Mrs LD Rope Third Charitable Settlement, National Lottery Communities Fund, Noel Buxton Trust, Old Blackburnian Lodge, Park House Charitable Trust, Peter Kershaw Trust, Plater Trust, Porticus, Sobell Foundation, Society of the Holy Child Jesus, Souter Charitable Trust, St Joseph’s Province Passionist Grants Fund, Stock Exchange Veterans Charity, Tikvah Trust, Trelix Charitable Trust, WO Street Charitable Foundation, Zochonis Charitable Trust
There are so many ways to support THOMAS.
One of our regular supporters, John Bateson-Hill, explains why he helps us:
Why I contribute to THOMAS
I first came across THOMAS, while waiting for someone in our church porch at Corpus Christi Brixton. I picked up a magazine called EDGES that happened to lying there and began to read. The articles often written by the young people themselves described the totally destructive nature of drug and alcohol addiction. It was certainly not easy or comfortable reading yet in some way it was compelling. It told a story about the lives of people we ignore, neglect or are simply afraid of. But what really impressed me was the fact that THOMAS, a relatively small charity with Christian ethos was actually doing something about it and in the process it was turning people’s lives around. There was no quick or simple fix but you could see that something good was happening here. I instantly felt this was an organisation that I liked and wanted to be a part of in some way. It was local, it was real, there was a clear sense of dedication its leadership and team and it was not operating on a grand scale with all the costs this often involves.
At THOMAS we understand how hard it is to lose a loved one. Sadly we do lose some of the many people we support each year to drug and alcohol addiction.
But at THOMAS our focus is on helping recovery. We help many people who have made the decision to move on from addiction towards recovery. We work hard to turn lives around and bring light into darkness.
We give help where many other services are unable to offer support. When the public purse can’t pick up the bill, we commit to make a difference.
We know how important it is that the generous donations we receive make a real difference; we use our resources wisely so that we can help as many people as possible.
We help people from all over the country and we try hard not to turn anyone away. As you prepare your last will and testament, please consider remembering THOMAS.
In Memoriam Donation
At THOMAS we know that at a time of bereavement it can be comforting to know that a charitable In Memoriam donation can make a real difference and offer hope and new life.
If you would like to remember your loved one with a charitable collection, please think of THOMAS.